Saturday night, January 7th, my little boy, Linus, lost his battle with cancer. He made it 2 months past his diagnosis date, and he fought for 3 weeks but his little body just couldn't take it anymore. My wife and I made the painful decision to euthanize him that morning, and I think it was the longest day of my life. I made sure he got that chocolate he always wanted before he passed :) . We held him while he took his last breath, and a part of me died with him at that moment. I am pretty good at disconnecting from things that cause pain in my life, but I'm not sure that I will ever fully recover from this loss. He gave us 13 years of happiness, and I am thankful for that.
I know I've said it before, but until you have loved an animal, you have not experienced true, unconditional love. I will never be able to understand people who abuse or mistreat animals. They ask for nothing and give everything.
Rest in peace buddy. You'll be in my memories forever.