Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Opportunity looks like work

Amen brother. I have never been a big fan of Ashton Kutcher, but he impressed me with this speech. Well, said.


Ironhead Sporster scrambler. And, is fun to jump off of curbs. I put this together for a customer last month. He passed on putting paint on it. He felt like it would take away the vintage feel of the bike.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Steampunk Shovel

My Shovel is for sale. Might trade it for something cool. Hit me up if you're interested.

Monday, September 23, 2013

New Project

New Project. I decided to "build" my own big bore adventure tourer. I'm starting with a 2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200. I'll be doing some major mods to make it what I want. My KLR650 is a wonderful bike, but sometimes when its fully loaded I feel like I'm pushing the poor thing to it's limits. Keep an eye out for this.

I've been away

I've been away from the blog for awhile and I'm trying to get motivated to get this moving again. I will be ramping up my facebook, the blog and my new twitter account. I've had a lot of stuff going on and very little time. Keep an eye out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This is a great example of a European build...well, at the Euro show anyway. Not exactly sure where it's from, but outside the box for sure. Looks like a Suzuki single cylinder, but I'm still trying to figure out why there's a HD transmission mounted on the top/back of the motor. Anyone?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More Biden

No words needed here.

Ahhh, Joe Biden...

My Hero. Wow, what a collassal moron. More police means we're safer? They are "responders". What part of that term makes you safer? His whole argument is just crazy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More Gun Control

If you are reading this and you are for gun control, you might want to tune out. I personally believe that every household should have a firearm for protection. If you don't, good for you, but don't force it on other people. People that obtain guns legally, don't go out and hurt other people with them. Criminals do. They do not obey ANY of the gun laws. I am for tighter laws concerning gun related crimes. Shoot someone and go to prison for a LONG time. Enough said.


Friday, February 1, 2013

The AR15 Madness

HA! This is hysterical. It really does sum up the whole "AR-15 Madness" right now. I'm just curious when everybody started thinking they were Rambo and started buying AR's and every concievable goodie you can imagine. Kudos! I got my laugh for the day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Gun Control

This is a heated debate and I get to hear people (mostly celebrities) say they are for complete disarmament of US Citizens. Really? There is only one reason you take a peoples weapons away, and it's not to keep them from harming one another. All you have to do is look at our history. No government should have the right to disarm it's people. It's "we the people", right? Not the government telling it's people how it's going to be. This is a repost from Facebook, but it sums it up if you have a minute or two to read it.

 A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY TO THINK ABOUT.......December 29, 2012 marks the 122nd Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms “for their own safety and protection”. The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children. About 40 members of the 7th Cavalry were killed, but over half of them were victims of fratricide from the Hotchkiss guns of their overzealous comrades-in-arms. Twenty members of the 7th Cavalry's death squad, were deemed “National Heroes” and were awarded the Medal of Honor for their acts of [cowardice] heroism.

We hear very little of Wounded Knee today. It is usually not mentioned in our history classes or books. What little that does exist about Wounded Knee is normally a sanitized “Official Government Explanation”. And there are several historically inaccurate depictions of the events leading up to the massacre, which appear in movie scripts and are not the least bit representative of the actual events that took place that day.

Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.

Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun-control, take a moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The argument that the Second Amendment only applies to hunting and target shooting is asinine. When the United States Constitution was drafted, “hunting” was an everyday chore carried out by men and women to put meat on the table each night, and “target shooting” was an unheard of concept. Musket balls were a precious commodity and were certainly not wasted on “target shooting”. The Second Amendment was written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and it refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defensive purposes, should such tyranny arise in the United States.

As time goes forward, the average citizen in the United States continually loses little chunks of personal freedom or “liberty”. Far too many times, unjust gun control bills were passed and signed into law under the guise of “for your safety” or “for protection”. The Patriot Act signed into law by G.W. Bush, was expanded and continues under Barack Obama. It is just one of many examples of American citizens being stripped of their rights and privacy for “safety”. Now, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is on the table, and will, most likely be attacked to facilitate the path for the removal of our firearms, all in the name of “our safety”.

Before any American citizen blindly accepts whatever new firearms legislation that is about to be doled out, they should stop and think about something for just one minute-
Evil does exist in our world. It always has and always will. Throughout history evil people have committed evil acts. In the Bible one of the first stories is that of Cain killing Abel. We can not legislate “evil” into extinction. Good people will abide by the law, and the criminal element will always find a way around it.

Evil exists all around us, but looking back at the historical record of the past 200 years, across the globe, where is “evil” and “malevolence” most often found? In the hands of those with the power, the governments. That greatest human tragedies on record and the largest loss of innocent human life can be attributed to governments. Who do the governments always target? “Scapegoats” and “enemies” within their own borders…but only after they have been disarmed to the point where they are no longer a threat. Ask any Native American, and they will tell you it was inferior technology and lack of arms that contributed to their demise. Ask any Armenian why it was so easy for the Turks to exterminate millions of them, and they will answer “We were disarmed before it happened”. Ask any Jew what Hitler’s first step prior to the mass murders of the Holocaust was- confiscation of firearms from the people.

Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and why we should vehemently resist any attempts to infringe on our Rights to Bear Arms. Without the Second Amendment we will be totally stripped of any ability to defend ourselves and our families. Jeffrey E.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


If you have ever wondered how forks get lowered, well, here it is. This is a 1999 Kawasaki ZX6R. Everyone told this guy that it is not possible to lower the forks on these bikes besides just sliding them up in the triple trees.

Not true. Fortunately, I have an extensive background in suspension. It just takes some cutting and shimming. You can see the PVC spacer below the bottoming spring and how the top spring spacer has been cut down. The two of these combined prevents the fork from reaching full extension and keeps the proper preload on the springs, therefore, lowering the forks. It also does not change where the forks bottom out, so you don't have to worry about the fender hitting the lower tree. There you go. Now you know. It's not rocket science, but for some shops if it's not in the catalog, then it can't be done.

By the way, this is a drag bike. Normally, I wouldn't recommend lowering a bike like this quite this much for street use. It tends to result in scraped up headers and potentially pitching the rider in a corner if the bike hits a big bump. Not an issue here.

Friday, January 4, 2013


This is just the coolest thing since the Bat Pod.